1. Consistency:
Stay consistent in your walk with God. Keep praying every night as if it was the first night you asked God for his hand on your situation. On those discouraged nights when you don't have words to say, call a friend and have them pray for you. You don't even need to give them the details but just having someone generally praying for you is keeping your heart closer to God.
2. Choosing Where You Get Advice From:
I know your friends love you a lot, but sometimes their worldly advice isn't what God had planned for your situation. Even impossible things become possible with God so soak yourself in his word and meditate on it. If what your reading isn't speaking to you, try listening to that still small voice in your heart when God is trying to tell you something. That advice is usually much better than what any friend can give because God knows every single detail of your situation (even the embarrassing details you left out while discussing that situation with your friends).
3. Giving Credit When Credit is Due:
Before you have your big victory, there are going to be small battles you win along the way. Make sure you are praising God for those. If you cant give God the glory for the small victories why should you be blessed with a big one? God loves when we praise Him and when we let him know that we acknowledge that every good thing comes from Him, He is even more grateful to give us bigger and better things than we could have ever imagined. Also make sure you are praising God for making you wait, at least you know his answer wasn't no and that in His right time you will receive your prize.
4. Stay Positive
It's so easy to get discouraged when you're waiting for something that could have taken weeks but it's taking years. Just know that God is making you wait for a reason. He doesn't make us wait because he likes to see us anguished or upset for years at a time. He makes us wait because He is making the thing/person/situation that you desire even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.
5. Preparing Yourself
Make sure that you prepare yourself to receive the big prize before trying to look into external things that are hindering you from getting it. If there are people you have grudges and conflicts with make sure you resolve them first. They may have nothing to do with what you're waiting for but remember until you forgive them it will be very hard for God to bless you abundantly. Look into areas where you may be repeatedly disobedient to God's word and put an end to those shortcomings.Yes, you will always have His mercy but if you are looking for his undeserving grace you will need to reevaluate your life and make changes where needed.
6. The End Result
After 3 years of waiting for something and I'm still not sure how much longer God will make me wait but I am so confident in God's love and favor on me that I know then when I receive the prize that it is going to be a great testimony for my life. Make sure that when you receive your prize that it is not something you keep to yourself. Let everyone know how good God was to you and that there was no way you could have achieved your goal without God's presence on your situation.